
Academy of Academic Excellence



Applications for 2026 are NOW OPEN
Applications close 3.00pm Friday 25 April, 2025

The Academy of Academic Excellence Difference

The Academy of Academic Excellence program is informed by research and best practice in gifted and talented education. The Academy of Academic Excellence classrooms are more than just a group of like-minded students working in a focussed and encouraging environment. The Academy of Academic Excellence is about extending and challenging individuals through deep learning and real-world application. Students have the opportunity to work with specialist teachers to prepare them for academic and workforce pathways of success as globally competent and future ready citizens.

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​​leaf 1.jpg Curriculum

Gifted and talented students benefit from rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities based on the Australian Curriculum. The Academy of Academic Excellence Program engages students in a compacted curriculum in their core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Humanities that is differentiated through abstraction, complexity, and variety. Teachers use pre-assessment and ongoing formative assessment to ensure that learning area content and adjustments align with high performing student needs.


leaf 2.jpgPedagogy

In our Academy of Academic Excellence classrooms, we teach students to take ownership of their learning, resulting in academic, social and emotional growth and self-advocacy. Utilising pedagogy underpinned by the New Art and Science of Teaching (NASOT) our teachers use rigorous, explicit, high-engagement teaching and learning strategies to allow students to participate in a global community as active citizens.


leaf 3.jpg Enrichment

Students engage in experiences both inside and outside the classroom that empower them to collaboratively think, create, communicate and problem solve in real world challenges. Inside the classroom students engage in projects and cross-curricular learning allowing them to apply and connect their knowledge and skills to real world experiences.


leaf 5.jpg Extension

Academic competitions play an important role in learning for gifted, talented and highly able students. Across the school year XL students engage in a range of national and international academic competitions such as the UNSW School Mathematics Competition, Readers Cup, ICAS English, ICAS Science, and UQ/QAMT Problem Solving Competition, to challenge and inspire their thinking.


leaf 4.jpg Staff Professional Development

Teachers of the Academy of Academic Excellence are provided with and committed to on-going professional development. Dedicated and experienced teachers are selected to be part of the Academy of Academic Excellence Program and our Heads of Department, Deputy Principals and Head of School are actively involved in encouraging and supporting continuous improvement of pedagogy related to gifted, talented, and highly able students. The Academy of Academic Excellence staff commit to frequent meetings as a Professional Learning Team focusing on improving the outcomes of our high performing students.


Application Guide​

Stage One

  • Complete the Academy of Academic Excellence Application form.
  • Attach Year 5 Naplan and Year 5 Semester 1 and Semester 2 report cards along with any other supporting documents of achievement.
  • Stage one applications close 3.00pm Friday 25 April 2025
​A panel will assess all applications.  Successful applicants will be invited to progress to Stage two.

Stage Two

  • A​pplicants will be will be required to complete the Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGAT) at Ormeau Woods State High School in term 2

​​​Please note, the testing date will be advised via email, to successful Stage two applicants.

  • To complete, please download the application form and save to your computer.

  • For full functionality you will need to complete within Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from:
    please note - limited functionality is available on mobile devices

  • Save updated application using the students name as the file name.

  • Email with supporting your documents to
  • WebPartZone1_2
    For further enquiries, please contact the Excellence Academies email
    Last reviewed 24 February 2025
    Last updated 24 February 2025