Whilst The Department of Education and Training (DET) provides instruction, administration and facilities for the education of students in State Schools, parents/caregivers are responsible for providing textbooks and other resources for their children attending school.
To assist parents meet these costs, Ormeau Woods State High School offers a Student Resource Scheme involving the temporary use of textbooks and other equipment and the purchase of consumables and materials for their children, in return for a specified fee. Participation in the scheme is voluntary. Any parent who does not wish to participate in the scheme is still responsible for providing their student with the necessary items and covering the cost of activities for engaging in the curriculum.
The following conditions apply to the Student Resource Scheme:
Students will provide their own personal stationery requirements.
Books issued to students are to be kept in good condition.
Students may be responsible for up to the full cost of books that are negligently damaged or lost. (The office should be immediately notified of the loss of any books).
Students must return text books prior to leaving the school and/or at the end of each year.
If a student starts during the school year, the contribution is reduced on a pro-rata basis.
Books and resources provided under the scheme cannot be issued to students whose parents/caregivers choose not to participate.
The Principal may refuse to admit a student to the Student Resource Scheme if there are outstanding payments from the previous year.
In accordance with procedures for the operating of a Student Resource Scheme, parents/caregivers are required to sign a formal agreement of participation. This may be completed on enrolment.