


Our Purpose

The OWSHS P&C cares about the students of OWSHS and seeks to provide opportunities that enable each student to develop individually to be better humans and therefore to take their place in bettering our Australian community.

Joining our OWSHS Parents and Citizens Association is a great way to get involved in our school community where we all work together to support the students and staff with raising funds to enhance our students learning outcomes.

Being a member of our P&C keeps you up-to-date with what is happening around our school, contributing to your child's education and making new friends. We work collaboratively to improve the facilities around our school and assist us in the decision-making processes that help to shape our school's future and your ongoing support is invaluable.


​Executive Members

President: Neil Keen
Secretary: Robert Newton
Vice President: Matthew Smith
Treasurer: Ellen Cox

Please see a role descriptions for each position required  

Download  the Application for Membership with Code of Conduct

Download  Executive Officer nomination form

Download the Ormeau Woods State High School P&C Constitution


The P&C meet will be normally be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 5.30pm in the Executive Services Building, Ormeau Woods State High School.

On occasion, the meeting date will need to change, this will be advised through the school Facebook page and emailed to members.​

Next Meeting will be held in the Conference Room

Ormeau Woods State High School

Administration Building

at 5.30pm

Monday 17 March 2025


​​Annual General Meeting | Monday 31 March 2025 - 6.30pm

The Resource Centre is the venue for the Annual General Meeting, held in March.  All interested parents, caregivers and community members are welcome to attend.

2025 Meeting dates 

Monday 28 April meeting

Monday 19th May meeting

Monday 16th June Meeting

Monday 21st July Meeting

Monday 18th August Meeting

Monday 15th September Meeting

Monday 20th October meeting

Monday 17th November Meeting (Last meeting of the year)


You can contact the P&C via email


Did you know that the Ormeau Woods SHS P&C supports our school by selling Entertainment Memberships? 

Support our school and give a gift that keeps on giving!

Follow the link and get your membership today

​P&Cs Qld Parent Talk Publication

P&Cs Qld is the peak body supporting and representing more than 576,000 state school parents and wider school communities throughout Queensland. We support the achievement of quality educational outcomes for students through fostering parental and community engagement in a thriving and successful education system. Through our state-wide network of over 1200 P&C Associations and School Councils, we have the localised presence and voice to lead and enact change.

Our Parent Talk magazine is a parent focused publication and published on a quarterly basis. It is circulated throughout Queensland state schools and P&Cs as a resource to provide parents and school communities with regular news and information on a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education. Research confirms that where parents and community are engaged in their children's education the outcomes vastly increase. Help us ensure Every Child has Every Chance to a successful education.  All editions of Parent Talk can be viewed here - P&Cs Qld Parent Talk Publication.

​Student Protection Guidelines

These Student Protection Guidelines, which have been developed to support the department's Student Protection Procedure, provide detailed guidance about:

  • relevant legislative provisions including those relating to student protection reporting;
  • key definitions and concepts in relation to child abuse and neglect;
  • reporting and referral processes; and
  • information sharing requirements.


  • Download the Student Protection Guidelines

Canteen ​

The P&C manages our school canteen and has a comprehensive menu to cater for all tastes.   

Canteen menus and opening hours can be found - HERE​

Last reviewed 05 March 2025
Last updated 05 March 2025