Your Stay at Ormeau Woods SHS
At OWSHS we believe in recognition and celebration of hard work, effort and high achievement in all areas of schooling. We are committed to creating valuable programs so that all students have a pleasant learning experience at OWSHS.
Whether you have chosen OWSHS to do the Senior Schooling/University Preparation Program, the University Pathways Program or the Study Abroad Program, you will find these programs to be rewarding.
You will have the opportunity at OWSHS to strengthen your English language skills through everyday experiences, become familiar with the Australian culture and way of life, and have the option of gaining credit in your home country for your school studies.
We specialise in organising your homestay family placements. Our families usually reside within 10 kilometres of the school and/or are located near to public transport. Our families are fully screened and will provide you with a welcoming and caring homestay environment.
On your arrival you will attend Orientation Sessions and be introduced to the International Staff who will assist you with your integration into the school.
We are pleased that you have chosen, or are considering OWSHS for your international schooling experience. Queensland is a multi-cultural society and encourages international visitors to come and stay here. Our teachers and staff are committed to helping you throughout your stay.
Please feel welcome to contact us for assistance if you have any questions, concerns or comments.