
Senior school



The Year 11 and 12 curriculum offers a range of opportunities for students to develop skills and understanding that will equip them to make a successful transition from school to a rapidly changing adult society. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to engage in learning that is purposeful, rigorous, personalised, and earns valued qualifications.

Students can choose from a range of subjects offered by the Queensland Studies Curriculum and Assessment Authority. A suite of Vocational Certificates and workplace learning is available through the school and private providers, and includes school based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.

Students are supported to choose a course of study that caters for their individual interests, matches intended career pathways, and will enable them to confidently pursue further education and training or move into employment.

Some things to consider when selecting subjects:

  • What are my plans for the future?
  • Which subjects are necessary or best to help me achieve my goals?
  • Can I be successful in those subjects?
  • Which subjects do I enjoy the most?
  • Am I keeping my options open so I can change my mind about what I want to do in the future?
  • Which subjects will let me maintain a balance between study and leisure time?
  • Which subjects will help me develop skills in areas that interest me?
  • Which subjects will help me better understand the world and my role as an adult in it?

Senior Education Profile

Students in Queensland are issued with a Senior Education Profile upon completion of Year 12.  Included in this profile could be:

  • Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) for eligible students
  • Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) for eligible students
  • Senior Statement
  • Statement of Results
  • Tertiary Entrance Statement for eligible students


A Senior Statement is a transcript of the learning account for all students completing Year 12 at a Queensland school. It shows all studies and the results achieved that may contribute to the award of a QCE.

A Statement of Results is a transcript of the learning account for students not enrolled at a school. It shows all studies and the results achieved that may contribute to the award of a QCE.

The Tertiary Entrance Statement shows the eligible student's Overall Position (OP) and Field Positions (FPs). Rankings are used to determine eligibility for admission for tertiary courses.


Career Planning

The State and Federal Government have a range of useful websites that can assist students in their career planning.  These sites offer career quizzes, information on specific jobs (including how much you can expect to be paid), tips in preparing resumes and how to handle those tough interviews for a job.

In Year 10 students undertake their Senior Education Training Plan (SETP) – OneSchool  

Tertiary Entrance

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) in Queensland acts as a clearing house for applications for courses at Universities, Technical College of Advanced and Further Education (TAFE) and some private colleges.  Interstate applications go through the appropriate state admission centres.  Each application is unique and it is therefore advisable to see a Guidance Officer before applying for tertiary courses.

Please note that some private providers have a different application process and students need to contact the individual colleges for further advice. 


School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)

School-based apprentices and trainees (SATs), typically for students in years 10, 11 and 12 are trained in the workplace and with a supervising registered training organisation (SRTO), in their chosen apprenticeship or traineeship while continuing to study towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

SATs are not automatic for all who want them - it is a competitive market and students will need to ensure that their school performance positions them to be selected.

Download the 2023 Year 12 Results​

Download the 2022 Year 12 Results​




Last reviewed 23 February 2024
Last updated 23 February 2024