The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) is Queensland’s senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements. The flexibility of the QCE means that students can choose from a wide range of learning options to suit their interests and career goals. To receive a QCE, students must achieve the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements. The QCE is issued to eligible students when they meet all the requirements at the completion of Year 12.
QCE eligibility
Ormeau Woods State High School requires all students completing Year 12 to attain a QCE as a minimum qualification standard. The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) qualification will be awarded to eligible students by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). The QCE offers flexibility in what, where and when students learn. This means that not all learning needs to take place at school. The QCE recognises broad learning options – academic, vocational education, workplace learning and university subjects. Different types of learning attract different numbers of credits.
The QCAA Student Portal gives students secure access to information related to their senior studies. Students can check their subject enrolments and results, monitor their progress towards a QCE, view their final subject results and download official statements and certificates once they are eligible.