Applications for 2026 are NOW OPEN
Applications close 3.00pm Friday 25 April, 2025
The Academy of Media Industries exposes students to a wide range of professional media production techniques and technologies in a creative and high expectation environment. Using industry standard software and production processes, students develop skillsets integral for careers in Photography, Video Production, Graphic Design and New Media platforms and industries.
The course aims to develop highly skilled, versatile media production artists who are ready to advance to future career options. The breadth and depth of topics covered in Academy of Media Industries provides a platform for students to develop their own unique personal aesthetic and to establish a substantial repertoire of professional practices. Course content provides students with opportunities to engage with marketing and promotional opportunities, management of community projects, curation of exhibits and the opportunity to engage with industry leaders in small- and large-scale collaborative projects.
Application Guide
Students who apply for the Academy of Media Industries (AoMI) Program must complete a 2-stage process:
Stage One
- Complete a Arts Excellence Academies Application form (indicating preferrence for Academy of Media Industries)
- Attach two most recent levels of Achievement, Effort and Behaviour report cards
- You are also required to submit one original media artwork which responds to the concept “All About Me…?" You must also submit a short statement (minimum 100 words) to explain your artwork.
- You may create your artwork using any form of media process or techniques, including: photography, video or digital image media
- Your media artwork must be submitted digitally. Please attach files in your application. Large files can be submitted to the school via USB, please ensure that submissions via USB are clearly labelled.
- Stage one applications close 3.00pm Friday 25 April 2025
A panel will assess all applications. Successful applicants will be invited to progress to Stage Two.
Stage Two
Applicants will be invited to attend a 90-minute Media Industry Workshop at Ormeau Woods State High School in term 2:
- The workshop will introduce students to professional media arts digital production platforms
Please note, workshop dates will be advised via email. A panel will then assess applicants to be offered a place in the Academy of Media Industries (AoMI) Program in 2026.
To complete, please download the application form and save to your computer.
For full functionality you will need to complete within Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
please note - limited functionality is available on mobile devices
Save updated application using the students name as the file name.
Email with supporting your documents to academies@ormeauwoodsshs.eq.edu.au
For further enquiries, please contact the Excellence Academies email: academies@ormeauwoodsshs.eq.edu.au